Originally, the blog was created with certain "value", aimed to attract traffics and thus provides sufficient data for the Google Analytics fun. The Good thing is, while I was creating those "valuables", yes, that's the theme and appearance, and I do really enjoy; the bad thing is, others DON'T seem to enjoy it as much as I do. Painting non-commercial goodies for self and wait until someone love and start talking about his "art", after his death.... what a life of an artist!
And that's what really happening on most of the other blogs, too.
Creating fancy-looking blogs will rarely attract a long-term traffic, especially when visitors are getting bored with your fanciness....
The above graphs show the visitor of this blog since it's founded (you may click to enlarge). Obviously, visitors get bored.... (properly due to my laziness .......) Anyhow, that's the fact: No value, no visitors.
Regarding the "value for visitors", many bloggers have already spent bottles of ink on it, so I better not to repeat. Yet among all, most of them do mention a successful blog (a noun) should blog (and a verb) about what your visitors want. Being an artist-like creature-on-Earth, I hold a totally different point of view. Instead of serving the majority, squeezing the minority that interests in your very-narrowly-targeted market segement should also rewardable. Those who have heard of the "long-tail" will understand.
So, my blog is suffering, what should I do now?
Well, maybe just blog more then.
Yeah, just blog whatever you want to, and you will find your audience some day. (or your audience find you!)
P.S. I may have a chance in using Google Analytics for working in the coming future. And I shall write more on my experiences in using such handy tool for e-commerce system. (Oh, btw, I have just found my grad. work in a bank. =) )
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