Sunday 28 June 2009

Starting up my own career. <!nsight> e-consultancy begins!

Depsite my laziness in updating blogs, especially in Web Analytics part, me and my friend has finally design to form a group, which focuses in providing free & basic advisory / consultancy on e-marketing for those who don't know much about it.

If you are interested in our work, please visit our official blog #@60;!nsight#@62;.

From now on, all the web analytics -related posts will be posted only to the official sie. And here, will soon be converting as a personal blog. Stay tune, maybe someday there will have interesting events here in this blog again. =)

Dickson W.

Wednesday 31 December 2008

Launching of Chinese version !!! - 中文化計劃始動!

First of all, Happy New Year~

After a deep consideration on the blog development, I have finally designed to launch a Chinese version in parallel to the development of this English site on the very first day of 2009. Well, for the reason, it's actually a short story:

Thanks Google Analytics, I have found that after I have submitted my blog to a Taiwan blog tracking service, it did bring some visitors to this site (by checking the referral sites dimension), yet they have a 100% bounce rate with at most 5 sec staying... That's really upset me. Yet I don't know if it due to the fault of dump-and-dull content on my blog, or the fault of poor keywords management, or the fault of Chinese, like me, tends to read Chinese and leaving those English behind.... Whatever it is, I have to test it. And the most obvious way to see this is to launch a Chinese version.

In addition, there are not many entries talk about Web Analytics in Chinese, plus, the culture of Chinese companies (like mine) seem to have a lagging-phased mindset on such area, hence I would like to give it a shot.

Though this blog does not store so many entries like others, the convertion of English entries to Chinese ones still need a plan, even it is small in scale.

Phase 1. Converting all W.A. related entries.
Phase 2. Converting all other entries except the story-telling ones.
Phase 3. Converting all the remaining ones.

Throughout the phases, the follow task will be operated in parallel to the convertions:

Task 1. New entry posting. (I shall not make my blog dead, right?)
Task 2. Some tiny look-and-feel enhancement (you know, I do love drawing)
Task 3. Interface reconstruction. (still thinking but keep going)
Task 4. Whatever comes to my head.

So, bare with me. I promise I will not turn my little planet into a dead one. =)

Cheers & Happy New Year,
Dickson W.

Friday 26 December 2008

Excel Progress Monitoring System - A "Should-be" Handy Excel Toy

Here's a new tool for me to monitor my task and sub-tasks progress (oh yes I am well-organized. =) ). Have fun. =)


^~ (my list. Too many To-Do.s.... sigh....) Name: Progress Monitoring System v0.8

Description: A small tool for office people to monitor all his/her tasks (and sub-tasks) progress with ease (and fancy looking! XD)

Download Here: Click Me

Origin: As multi-tasking is becoming more significant during my work, I need to have something to keep track on my little task in details, especially for those requiring a link-by-link checking during UAT. An Excel-based non-macro tool is thus developed for such dirty task.

- Excel-based without any embedded macro script, perfectly fits those business PC with MS Office + high security check
- The appearance is designed to be similar to a reporting tool, fairly easy to present to your boss if he/she would like to "learn" more about your progress (kind-of show-off to me. =P)
- Support maximum a four-level-depth task description (i.e. a 1.3.2 level task .... etc.)

- May not be user friendly enough (as lack of support of macros)
- Not easy to start without manual (Personally, I prefer no-manual-and-no-experience-required tools =) )
- Difficult for maintenance due to heavy usage of cell referencing and conditional formatting.

Simple Tutorial: (it's simply too large to fit in here, so please click to enlarge if necessary)

Further To-Do:
- May convert to Google Excel program.
- User Manual will be created in a day or two. (Done!~)

Feel free to let me know what do you think.

Dickson W.

P.S. This is also the first entry for "A.I. Eve's Toys Collection" label, a portion of my blog that stores mainly my "little toys", plus, a portion of Nekotopia's story. We shall see. =)